
It is a great sadness to have to announce the death of our beloved President, Metropolitan Kallistos of Diokleia. He died peacefully in his home in Oxford early in the morning of 24th August, 2022. He had received the sacraments of the Church and was supported by a faithful group of close friends, who have given him unstinting care during many months of illness. The details of his funeral could be obtained following this LINK.

Bishop Kallistos was a true friend and a gracious spiritual guide to many people, near and far. He brought to the Orthodox Church a clear, sane and authoritative voice, rooted in diligent scholarship and very effective teaching. His influence as a theologian extended far beyond his own church and Christians everywhere are very much in his debt for his wisdom and unflinching preaching of the Gospel in concert with the whole tradition of the Church. Perhaps his greatest achievement was to make Christianity intelligible, attractive and credible for those with ears to hear.

Bishop Kallistos had a long friendship with the monks of the Holy Mountain and was devoted to upholding its spiritual life. We commend him to the Lord and to His Most Holy Mother, as well as to St Seraphim of Sarov, for whom Bishop Kallistos had deep affection.

The Revd Douglas Dales, Chairman

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