

This year’s summer conference will be held on Saturday 8 June at the Tsuzuki Theatre, St Anne’s College, Oxford. This conference features a talk on a major project involving the archives of Simonopetra, which FOMA is supporting, and a survey of Byzantine Athonite architecture by a leading professor in the field. There will also be […]

Vasilopitta Party – 16 January 2024

∙St Bride Foundation, London∙ All members of the Friends of Mount Athos and their guests are invited to attend a VasilopittaParty, a traditional Greek New Year celebration at which the Saint Basil’s cake is cut. Thisyear it will take place on Tuesday 16 January 2024 from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. at St BrideFoundation, 14 […]

Life Against the Odds

Thursday 30 November 2023, 19.00 at the Hellenic Centre, London Many FOMA members will have heard Anna Conomos give her powerful, moving account of the expulsion of the Greeks from Smyrna in 1922, or of the plight of the Jews in Thessaloniki in the 1940’s.  If you haven’t, here is another chance: A fusion of […]

